Medical Inflation Rate
Healthcare cost has always been recognized as a major concern of
the healthcare delivery system, the rising cost of insurance
premium & medical is faster than the inflation rate. Over the
years, healthcare cost has spiralled due to the advancement of
medical technology and high standard of living.
Increases in medical bills are outpacing the general inflation rate
each year. It has become evident that employers,
corporations and individuals are incurring spiralling costs of
medical expenses. That raises concern if healthcare is catered
only to those who can afford it. Basically, there are at least 2 major
components that directly influence this rising healthcare cost
which includes, but not limiting to, per case cost and occurrences.
- Medical Investigation and Auditing
- Authentication & Verification
- Claims Processing
- Payment Processing
- Latest State-of-the-Art Technology
- Web-based Internet Technology
- Mobile Technology
- Management & Analysis Report
True End to End e-Connectivity
(Employer-> Service Providers
-> Employees)
- On-site / Off-site Health Screening
- Trend Analysis
- Health Talks